"Peace to all" , "Peace on Earth", "Peace, love and joy", "Peace to you". These are all just common phrases we hear at Christmas time, but what really brings you peace? I used to think that if I could get my life completely organized then I could have peace. I used to think that if I could get my kids to behave "just perfectly" I would have peace. I used to think that if I could get everything "just right" with my spouse then I would have peace. I was wrong.
I was wrong because I was searching outside of myself to find peace. I was wrong because I was searching outside of Christ to find peace.
If you are thinking that all you need to do is fix this "one little thing" in your life and then you will have peace. You may be wrong. Perhaps you need to look at that again. Ask yourself, why do you think that will truly give you peace? If you couldn't fix that "one little thing", how else would you find it?
Peace and a Blessed Advent.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
"Women Rejoicing"
Last Saturday the "Women Rejoicing" Conference had over 120 in attendance, and the response was incredible! Women really did attain a spirit of rejoicing. Many women told us they were inspired and empowered. There was a renewed spirit as women came to realize the vital importance of their God given gifts as an individual and as a woman. There was new understanding about feminism and our role in our families, our community and our church. The message by Pope John Paul II spoken through Katrina Zeno made us aware of our dignity as women and how crucial our role is to society.
As a whole, the conference was fun, spiritual, inspiring and empowering. Praise God, mission accomplished! But as an individual, what did you experience while at the conference? Did God lift a cloud that was hanging over your head? Did you feel touched spiritually? Did you grow closer to Christ? Have you been a better mother, wife or sister? We want to know. So, please, add your comments to this blog. Your comments will only serve to inspire other women.
What did I get out of it all? I was pleased to see God's hand in it all and to see so many women from my generation who care about their faith. I was reminded of the fact that my identity is in Christ not by the wounds of the past or how others have perceived me. I was reminded that I am a daughter of God's first...that means that I am taken care of and fully loved just as I am. What about you?
As a whole, the conference was fun, spiritual, inspiring and empowering. Praise God, mission accomplished! But as an individual, what did you experience while at the conference? Did God lift a cloud that was hanging over your head? Did you feel touched spiritually? Did you grow closer to Christ? Have you been a better mother, wife or sister? We want to know. So, please, add your comments to this blog. Your comments will only serve to inspire other women.
What did I get out of it all? I was pleased to see God's hand in it all and to see so many women from my generation who care about their faith. I was reminded of the fact that my identity is in Christ not by the wounds of the past or how others have perceived me. I was reminded that I am a daughter of God's first...that means that I am taken care of and fully loved just as I am. What about you?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Catholic Mother's Conference - last chance to attend
Are you still debating about whether or not to attend the Catholic Mother's Conference? Well, I could go on and on with all the reasons that I think you should attend, but I think it would just be best to show how I have seen God working to create this conference.
I believe that God placed a strong desire in my heart quite a few years ago to do this conference. I sat on this feeling for a long time praying and asking God when. Eventually the feeling was so strong that I could no longer stand it, so I thought it was time to move forward. I didn't know where to start, so I began by asking the diocese permission to do a conference like this on my own. As I shared the idea with the diocese, their hearts were open and they offered to provide some financial support, which was amazing to me #1 because they said, "yes" and #2 because I didn't know how I would cover the cost of such an event.
Next I went to my friends and said, "You know that idea I've been sharing with you, well I'm going to do it, do you want to help?" They said yes! So I was part way there. The entire time I kept asking God to provide what we needed.
After that, God's blessings just kept coming. I had women I didn't even know contacting me asking to help. And each woman called filled the void that we were missing to pull everything together. Each woman offered their service to me at no cost which was a blessing because I started with no money for this conference. Once I even found, by chance, a blog that was advertising this conference. I didn't even know who the woman was, but she signed her blog Mary and that was good enough for me.
I also had people who offered financial assistance, without me asking, to pay for advertising. Which would have been a huge cost. Once again these were people I did not know and again, God provided. Amazing!
I did not know what I was doing when I started this whole process, but God guided me every step of the way from the help I needed prior to the conference, and the things needed during the day to all the financial concerns, and I now have 100 women attending which should cover any remaining costs.
Although I think this day is going to be awesome, it is evident that God's hand has been in it every step of the way. Which means that he has big plans for this day. So why not come and see what he has planned for you? It's a day away you won't regret.
I believe that God placed a strong desire in my heart quite a few years ago to do this conference. I sat on this feeling for a long time praying and asking God when. Eventually the feeling was so strong that I could no longer stand it, so I thought it was time to move forward. I didn't know where to start, so I began by asking the diocese permission to do a conference like this on my own. As I shared the idea with the diocese, their hearts were open and they offered to provide some financial support, which was amazing to me #1 because they said, "yes" and #2 because I didn't know how I would cover the cost of such an event.
Next I went to my friends and said, "You know that idea I've been sharing with you, well I'm going to do it, do you want to help?" They said yes! So I was part way there. The entire time I kept asking God to provide what we needed.
After that, God's blessings just kept coming. I had women I didn't even know contacting me asking to help. And each woman called filled the void that we were missing to pull everything together. Each woman offered their service to me at no cost which was a blessing because I started with no money for this conference. Once I even found, by chance, a blog that was advertising this conference. I didn't even know who the woman was, but she signed her blog Mary and that was good enough for me.
I also had people who offered financial assistance, without me asking, to pay for advertising. Which would have been a huge cost. Once again these were people I did not know and again, God provided. Amazing!
I did not know what I was doing when I started this whole process, but God guided me every step of the way from the help I needed prior to the conference, and the things needed during the day to all the financial concerns, and I now have 100 women attending which should cover any remaining costs.
Although I think this day is going to be awesome, it is evident that God's hand has been in it every step of the way. Which means that he has big plans for this day. So why not come and see what he has planned for you? It's a day away you won't regret.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Is Fear Holding You Back?
Is fear holding you back? Is fear keeping you from living the life you've been dreaming? I've spoken with many people who are afraid to try something new. They are afraid that they won't handle the situation just perfect, or they are afraid of rejection. If your fear is based on a lifetime of rejection or failures then it's imperative that you seek counseling and/or coaching to help you deal with these serious issues. But if your fear is merely based on you because you are moving out of your comfort zone, then it is time to face your fear.
Ask yourself: If I do this...what will my life look like if I succeed? How will things change? What will this mean for me?
Then ask: If I do this....What will my life look like if things don't go as I had hoped? Does my life change? What are the alternatives? What would I have learned or gained from the situation?
Every situation in life whether it works as we planned, or not, are all situations that bring personal growth and learning. Every situation whether we win or loose can bring us closer to our ultimate destination.
Do you remember the saying, "It's better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try." ? By trying and failing you've still gained something...you've learned which only moves you forward. By not trying...you've gained nothing.
Ask yourself: If I do this...what will my life look like if I succeed? How will things change? What will this mean for me?
Then ask: If I do this....What will my life look like if things don't go as I had hoped? Does my life change? What are the alternatives? What would I have learned or gained from the situation?
Every situation in life whether it works as we planned, or not, are all situations that bring personal growth and learning. Every situation whether we win or loose can bring us closer to our ultimate destination.
Do you remember the saying, "It's better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try." ? By trying and failing you've still gained something...you've learned which only moves you forward. By not trying...you've gained nothing.
Friday, September 5, 2008
When was the last time you had a good confession? Or any confession at all for that matter. It can be so easy to put the out of routine spiritual sacraments on the back burner, but they really need to be placed as a priority.
It's funny how ignorant we can be sometimes. We wander around complaining about why we are so grumpy or why we can't seem to move forward spiritually or even overcome the bad habits we've acquired in life, but then we ignore the graces that God has placed right in front of us, available at least weekly. We continue to in our day to day struggles trying to carry these giant or little burdens of sin believing that it is easier to carry the sin and live life rather than confessing them to God and letting them go and living life. Now which is easier to you? Doing everything you have to do all day carrying 10 bricks on your back or carrying none? I know that when I receive the sacrament of reconciliation I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I also feel a sense of freedom and the ability to overcome my struggles so much easier. Why is that? Because of the grace that is received in the sacrament.
You may or may not be Catholic reading this. If you are...take the time to go to confession, it will do you a world of good. If not, take the time to offer a special time to God to just reflect and confess your sins, or you could give Catholic confession a try once. You might be surprised how wonderful the experience is. Just call your local Catholic church and ask about their confession times. I'm sure they'd be glad to help.
It's funny how ignorant we can be sometimes. We wander around complaining about why we are so grumpy or why we can't seem to move forward spiritually or even overcome the bad habits we've acquired in life, but then we ignore the graces that God has placed right in front of us, available at least weekly. We continue to in our day to day struggles trying to carry these giant or little burdens of sin believing that it is easier to carry the sin and live life rather than confessing them to God and letting them go and living life. Now which is easier to you? Doing everything you have to do all day carrying 10 bricks on your back or carrying none? I know that when I receive the sacrament of reconciliation I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I also feel a sense of freedom and the ability to overcome my struggles so much easier. Why is that? Because of the grace that is received in the sacrament.
You may or may not be Catholic reading this. If you are...take the time to go to confession, it will do you a world of good. If not, take the time to offer a special time to God to just reflect and confess your sins, or you could give Catholic confession a try once. You might be surprised how wonderful the experience is. Just call your local Catholic church and ask about their confession times. I'm sure they'd be glad to help.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It's All About Attitude!
What is your attitude today? What has it been the past week or month? Would you say overall you are pretty grateful for what you have and who is in your life? Or do you find yourself wishing for something different, something better, a permanent change? If you find yourself frequently dwelling on how everyone around you needs to change or how every situation around you is aggravating, maybe you need to look at the common denominator....YOU! Perhaps your attitude is a bit skewed and it is you who needs to change.
Sometimes I find myself blaming all those around me because my life isn't perfect, but when I really look at the heart of it, it all comes down to my own selfishness and ingratitude. When I start to live in a way that stops focusing on myself and starts focusing on those around me....life is better. Life becomes more fulfilling and more joyful. But it all begins with the choice of which attitude I want to carry each day.
Sometimes I find myself blaming all those around me because my life isn't perfect, but when I really look at the heart of it, it all comes down to my own selfishness and ingratitude. When I start to live in a way that stops focusing on myself and starts focusing on those around me....life is better. Life becomes more fulfilling and more joyful. But it all begins with the choice of which attitude I want to carry each day.
Monday, July 7, 2008
I've often had people ask me, "How do you make time for yourself?" Life can be so hectic and with so many things to do how do you do it? How do you make time to sit on the couch and watch a TV show or just read for a few minutes?
Sometimes the answer is in becoming more organized and better with time management, but mostly the answer lies in making a choice to just do it. It means you set some boundaries with those around you. You say "no" to some things so that you can say "yes" to yourself.
Many feel guilty if they were to sit and do something for themselves even if it's just for a few minutes, but in reality by spending a few minutes for yourself you are actually helping those around you. Because a few minutes to yourself can be just enough to help you regain your perspective. A few minutes could be enough to give you some needed rest so that you can be at your best. A few minutes could be all you need to change your mood.
O.k. Now you've made the decision to do a little for yourself...how do you really do it. You practice it. You just try it. Admist all the things you need to do, you stop for 10 - 15 minutes, set the timer and sit. Let everyone know that this is your time to relax and they can interrupt you when the timer goes off. It's amazing, during that time, no one in your house will starve, more and likely no one will experience any life changing event (however, make sure all the little ones are in a safe place prior to doing this). Chances are that you will not be any further behind than you were before you started. Practice this daily and you will be surprised how this will begin to feel normal and o.k. Practice!
Sometimes the answer is in becoming more organized and better with time management, but mostly the answer lies in making a choice to just do it. It means you set some boundaries with those around you. You say "no" to some things so that you can say "yes" to yourself.
Many feel guilty if they were to sit and do something for themselves even if it's just for a few minutes, but in reality by spending a few minutes for yourself you are actually helping those around you. Because a few minutes to yourself can be just enough to help you regain your perspective. A few minutes could be enough to give you some needed rest so that you can be at your best. A few minutes could be all you need to change your mood.
O.k. Now you've made the decision to do a little for yourself...how do you really do it. You practice it. You just try it. Admist all the things you need to do, you stop for 10 - 15 minutes, set the timer and sit. Let everyone know that this is your time to relax and they can interrupt you when the timer goes off. It's amazing, during that time, no one in your house will starve, more and likely no one will experience any life changing event (however, make sure all the little ones are in a safe place prior to doing this). Chances are that you will not be any further behind than you were before you started. Practice this daily and you will be surprised how this will begin to feel normal and o.k. Practice!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Stepping Stones
Do you ever look at what you have or are doing in life, and compare it to what someone else has or is doing in his or her life and think, "I wish I had that" or "I wish I was doing that"? If so, why? God's plan is perfect for each of us, regardless of our circumstances, and we must look at what we have and what we are doing as stepping stones towards where God is leading us. His plan will never be fully revealed to us unless we willingly step onto each stone and stay there a while. When God feels we are ready, he will put the next stepping stone ahead of us and it will then be time to move.
But we get impatient...we want to jump from the first stone to the last stone. Realistically, if we did that, we would fall into the creek and perhaps be carried away by the waters. We need to take God's step, one at a time! We need to be comfortable there, take a look around and see what God is offering to us in that moment. We need to praise God for where he has us and where he is leading us.
Be patient!
But we get impatient...we want to jump from the first stone to the last stone. Realistically, if we did that, we would fall into the creek and perhaps be carried away by the waters. We need to take God's step, one at a time! We need to be comfortable there, take a look around and see what God is offering to us in that moment. We need to praise God for where he has us and where he is leading us.
Be patient!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
We frequently hear how humility is needed to progress in holiness, and I have really been thinking alot about humility this week. What does it mean to be humble? It's obvious that Jesus was humble and what did he do? He taught us to love and to serve. So what does it mean to serve?
When I think of a servant, I immediately think of a Butler. You know, the kind we see in a movie. What he does is crucial for the master, but he's not really a major player. He's in the background taking care of his duties, quietly. When acknowledged for his service he merely says, "Thank you". He doesn't parade around saying, "look what I did" or even try to get noticed by anyone while doing his work. He is merely there to serve his master, and he knows his purpose is to make sure the master's work can be done. He is only there to truly serve.
How often do we go about our days looking for recognition? How often do we keep score with those around us? It's tough to be humble, but the more we ask God for humility, the more opportunities he gives us to practice. "Ask and you shall recieve". God bless.
When I think of a servant, I immediately think of a Butler. You know, the kind we see in a movie. What he does is crucial for the master, but he's not really a major player. He's in the background taking care of his duties, quietly. When acknowledged for his service he merely says, "Thank you". He doesn't parade around saying, "look what I did" or even try to get noticed by anyone while doing his work. He is merely there to serve his master, and he knows his purpose is to make sure the master's work can be done. He is only there to truly serve.
How often do we go about our days looking for recognition? How often do we keep score with those around us? It's tough to be humble, but the more we ask God for humility, the more opportunities he gives us to practice. "Ask and you shall recieve". God bless.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Speak Up
How often do you allow something to happen in your life that you don't want to happen merely because you don't feel like dealing with the opposition or complaints that occur when you speak up? Most don't speak up because dealing with the complaints or oppositions just seem like too much of a hassle, or for others it's because they don't want to create waves or disturb the peace. But what is the end result of not expressing our true feelings or desires? We loose our own peace, and we are allowing our plans or our desires to be taken away from us.
Now speaking up does require a bit of discernment because we must all be flexible at times and we can't think only of our own plans and desires lest we become selfish. But to discern the matter ask yourself some questions:
1. If I'm allowing this to happen, how will I truly feel at the end of the day and are my feelings legitimate?
2.If I allow this to happen will it upset my plans so much that I won't be able to recover within a reasonable time frame?
3. If I allow this to happen, does it set a moral or immoral example for someone else?
4. Then finish this statement..."By allowing this to happen, that means that I am also allowing...___... Is that O.K.?
"By not allowing this to happen, that means that instead ....___...will occur."
Many time speaking up is a choice which means, when we don't speak up, the results or consequences of that becomes something we have chosen. So what are you choosing?
Now speaking up does require a bit of discernment because we must all be flexible at times and we can't think only of our own plans and desires lest we become selfish. But to discern the matter ask yourself some questions:
1. If I'm allowing this to happen, how will I truly feel at the end of the day and are my feelings legitimate?
2.If I allow this to happen will it upset my plans so much that I won't be able to recover within a reasonable time frame?
3. If I allow this to happen, does it set a moral or immoral example for someone else?
4. Then finish this statement..."By allowing this to happen, that means that I am also allowing...___... Is that O.K.?
"By not allowing this to happen, that means that instead ....___...will occur."
Many time speaking up is a choice which means, when we don't speak up, the results or consequences of that becomes something we have chosen. So what are you choosing?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Before reading this post, please be sure and read the post below titled "Vacation".
So, do you feel like you need to simplify your life? Is life crazy, hectic and just plain draining you of energy? Then group coaching is just what you need to get you moving in the right direction. Learn how to identify the things that are cluttering your life and making life more complicated. Gain a clearer vision for yourself and start moving towards that vision, so that you can start enjoying life more. Learn how to take charge of your life instead of your life taking charge of you.
The next Group Coaching sessions will begin on Tuesdays nights at 7pm starting the first week of June. The class size is limited, so make sure you make your reservation ASAP. The cost is only $20 per month (for three months) plus your cost for a long distance call. For more information about the details of each session go to http://www.avenuesofgrace.com/GroupCoaching.asp?Tab=GroupCoaching. or to sign up contact me at http://www.avenuesofgrace.com/ConnectWithMarna.asp?Tab=Contact%20Marna. I hope to see you there.
So, do you feel like you need to simplify your life? Is life crazy, hectic and just plain draining you of energy? Then group coaching is just what you need to get you moving in the right direction. Learn how to identify the things that are cluttering your life and making life more complicated. Gain a clearer vision for yourself and start moving towards that vision, so that you can start enjoying life more. Learn how to take charge of your life instead of your life taking charge of you.
The next Group Coaching sessions will begin on Tuesdays nights at 7pm starting the first week of June. The class size is limited, so make sure you make your reservation ASAP. The cost is only $20 per month (for three months) plus your cost for a long distance call. For more information about the details of each session go to http://www.avenuesofgrace.com/GroupCoaching.asp?Tab=GroupCoaching. or to sign up contact me at http://www.avenuesofgrace.com/ConnectWithMarna.asp?Tab=Contact%20Marna. I hope to see you there.
I recently took a vacation to Florida, and while I was there all I could think of was how much I was enjoying myself. I was so relaxed and had plenty of time for my family. There was no laundry, no cleaning, no meals to make. Life was simple. All of that enjoyment got me thinking...How can I make my life at home more like a vacation? O.k., You're probably laughing at the thought, thinking that it is absolutely impossible! But what is the difference between being at home and being on vacation? ....Simplicity. So, I've been looking at the things that keep my life from being simple, and asking how can I change them? I've made some changes and things are better for me. Then I was also looking at some of the upcoming decisions I have to make, and when I look at them in terms of "simplicity", it's helping me to make better decisions.
Then, last night I was blessed to be able to see Ivan Dragicevic speak. He is a visionary from Medjugorje. His message, which is Our Lady's message is to pray and make time for those you love. The only way for me to make time is to simplify. I'm seeing a recurring theme in what God is revealing to me. I guess it's time to listen.
Then, last night I was blessed to be able to see Ivan Dragicevic speak. He is a visionary from Medjugorje. His message, which is Our Lady's message is to pray and make time for those you love. The only way for me to make time is to simplify. I'm seeing a recurring theme in what God is revealing to me. I guess it's time to listen.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Bringing Heaven to Earth
Our Father, who art in heaven... ...Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Have you ever really thought about that last phrase? What are we saying? We are asking God to bring heaven to earth; to transform our circumstances as they could be transformed in heaven. So often we think, "Oh, things will never change until we get to heaven." In one sense that is true because everything will be glorified there. We'll have new bodies, new understandings and healed relationships because of our new understandings. However, I believe this prayer given to us by Jesus is reminding us that God's healing and understanding is fully available to us now. By saying, "on earth as it is in heaven" we are calling down the power of heaven into our lives. We are embracing now, what we believe God will fully reveal to us after we die.
Imagine what our lives would be like if we had that kind of faith. "Lord, make our earth as heaven. Make our cities as heaven. Make our neighborhoods as heaven. Make our homes as heaven. "
God didn't say how long it would take to transform all these things. But he did ask us to pray this way. I think that says alot.
Have you ever really thought about that last phrase? What are we saying? We are asking God to bring heaven to earth; to transform our circumstances as they could be transformed in heaven. So often we think, "Oh, things will never change until we get to heaven." In one sense that is true because everything will be glorified there. We'll have new bodies, new understandings and healed relationships because of our new understandings. However, I believe this prayer given to us by Jesus is reminding us that God's healing and understanding is fully available to us now. By saying, "on earth as it is in heaven" we are calling down the power of heaven into our lives. We are embracing now, what we believe God will fully reveal to us after we die.
Imagine what our lives would be like if we had that kind of faith. "Lord, make our earth as heaven. Make our cities as heaven. Make our neighborhoods as heaven. Make our homes as heaven. "
God didn't say how long it would take to transform all these things. But he did ask us to pray this way. I think that says alot.
Monday, March 24, 2008
What do you do when you feel like everything is a priority? We have so much that needs to be done and it's all important. So how do we distinguish which priority is most important? Well, the first part is easy. God and family should always come first. It's the rest that gets confusing.
When looking at my tasks I ask the question - "Which is causing me the most stress or which is standing in the way of the other things I value most?" Then I take care of that first. It's amazing the amount of stress that is reduced when I can actually cross it off my list.
So what truly needs to be a priority in your life? How can you fit getting it done into your day or your life? Remember, if you say it is a priority, then you have to make it so and take care of it.
When looking at my tasks I ask the question - "Which is causing me the most stress or which is standing in the way of the other things I value most?" Then I take care of that first. It's amazing the amount of stress that is reduced when I can actually cross it off my list.
So what truly needs to be a priority in your life? How can you fit getting it done into your day or your life? Remember, if you say it is a priority, then you have to make it so and take care of it.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Catholic Mother's Conference
Have you heard about the Catholic Mother's Conference coming to N.E. Ohio on November 15, 2008? You may ask, "Why not just a women's conference? Why the focus on motherhood?" The reasons are many, but mostly because as J.P. II states: "The future of the world passes through the family." Parents are called to raise their children in the faith, but too often we forget that this ultimately is a calling from God, it is not just a job that we've signed up for. It is our vocation, and mother's, in particular, have been given so many gifts to bring faith and life to our families. It is how we have been designed by God.
Many mother's are busy these days and to give an entire Saturday to something needs to really be worth our time. I guarantee that this will be worth your time. At this conference you will be revived, you will find purpose, you will experience joy, you will experience God and you will walk away with practical ways to bring faith to your family, and you will learn how to get your daily things done so that you can be fully devoted to the ones you love.
If you do nothing else for your spiritual life this year, I recommend this conference.
Finally, our hope is to develop community within each parish by having a group of women from each parish attend the conference together. This is where I need your help. If you are reading this and are planning on attending then I would like to hear from you. I am looking for one or two women within each parish who will invite a group of women to attend the conference together. This is a big mission to evangelize the faith to the women in our community and you can participate in this evangelization through your personal invitation. If you would like to help in this mission please contact me. Go to my business link www.avenuesofgrace.com (see links on the side) and go to the "contact Marna" tab. Just send me a comment as to how I can contact you either by e-mail or phone and I will get in touch and give you information on how you can help. I hope to hear from each of you soon. Thank you and God bless.
Many mother's are busy these days and to give an entire Saturday to something needs to really be worth our time. I guarantee that this will be worth your time. At this conference you will be revived, you will find purpose, you will experience joy, you will experience God and you will walk away with practical ways to bring faith to your family, and you will learn how to get your daily things done so that you can be fully devoted to the ones you love.
If you do nothing else for your spiritual life this year, I recommend this conference.
Finally, our hope is to develop community within each parish by having a group of women from each parish attend the conference together. This is where I need your help. If you are reading this and are planning on attending then I would like to hear from you. I am looking for one or two women within each parish who will invite a group of women to attend the conference together. This is a big mission to evangelize the faith to the women in our community and you can participate in this evangelization through your personal invitation. If you would like to help in this mission please contact me. Go to my business link www.avenuesofgrace.com (see links on the side) and go to the "contact Marna" tab. Just send me a comment as to how I can contact you either by e-mail or phone and I will get in touch and give you information on how you can help. I hope to hear from each of you soon. Thank you and God bless.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Prayer is a Choice
Have you ever been inspired by those people who seem to have their faith life all in order? Their faith is deep and they spend daily time in prayer, either by reading scripture, journaling or even mass. What is it that makes their faith life different from another's? Choice! They make a conscientious choice to put God first. They choose to put other things aside for just a few minutes to spend time with God.
It doesn't take much to move forward in your spiritual life. A few sincere moments is better than nothing at all, but it starts with the choice to take the time.
P.S. Daily scripture readings take less than five minutes. Scripture feeds your soul. Can you take five minutes?
It doesn't take much to move forward in your spiritual life. A few sincere moments is better than nothing at all, but it starts with the choice to take the time.
P.S. Daily scripture readings take less than five minutes. Scripture feeds your soul. Can you take five minutes?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Moving Forward
What is keeping you from moving forward? Have you set a goal for yourself and you aren't reaching it? Are you looking off to the horizon knowing for months you want to go there, but yet you remain where you are? Are you just plain stuck in the same old patterns you are trying to break?
Many times people want to blame all the circumstances or people around them for not moving forward, but in reality the obstacle can actually be ourselves. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's lack of a certain skill, or sometimes we haven't taken the time to look at the circumstances or people around us to figure out a way to change the situation (so still, it is ourselves).
What about your life? What are you trying to change? What is keeping you from moving forward? What do you need to do to remove the obstacles in your life? Humbly look at yourself and look to to God, and I'm sure you will find the answer.
Many times people want to blame all the circumstances or people around them for not moving forward, but in reality the obstacle can actually be ourselves. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's lack of a certain skill, or sometimes we haven't taken the time to look at the circumstances or people around us to figure out a way to change the situation (so still, it is ourselves).
What about your life? What are you trying to change? What is keeping you from moving forward? What do you need to do to remove the obstacles in your life? Humbly look at yourself and look to to God, and I'm sure you will find the answer.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Fear Of The Unknown
Do you have a situation in your life where you don't know what is going to happen? You know that God is in control, but you don't know what the outcome is going to be? Sometimes you can be so trusting of God and his plan, regardless of the outcome, but other times you feel the fear of the unknown creeping in.
This must have happened to the apostles after Jesus ascended into heaven. On one hand, they were trusting that God was going to send a "helper" (the holy spirit), but on the other hand, they didn't know what it was going to be. On one hand, Jesus had risen from the dead, what he said had to be true, but on the other hand, he was no longer with them. The conflict of trust vs. fear must have been incredible.
So, when I get this way, I look to them as an example. I first ask them for intercession, to pray for my fear and the outcome. Then, I look to the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with trust and patience. It was through the Holy Spirit that they were truly transformed and were able to move forward. The Holy Spirit is still alive and active today, and he can be in your life too, if you invite him.
This must have happened to the apostles after Jesus ascended into heaven. On one hand, they were trusting that God was going to send a "helper" (the holy spirit), but on the other hand, they didn't know what it was going to be. On one hand, Jesus had risen from the dead, what he said had to be true, but on the other hand, he was no longer with them. The conflict of trust vs. fear must have been incredible.
So, when I get this way, I look to them as an example. I first ask them for intercession, to pray for my fear and the outcome. Then, I look to the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with trust and patience. It was through the Holy Spirit that they were truly transformed and were able to move forward. The Holy Spirit is still alive and active today, and he can be in your life too, if you invite him.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Year's Resolutions
Many people start New Year's Resolutions on January 1st and unfortunately give up by January 31st. When asked why they are no longer pursuing the resolution, the number one answer seems to be "stress". Life is too busy or too complicated and people loose their focus. People have good intentions; it's just life takes over.
Why not make this year's resolution: a year to reduce the stress! Start by recognizing what is causing you the most stress. Then ask yourself, "How can I change this situation so that it causes less stress in my life?" "What do I need to do differently" or "How does my attitude need to change?".
Once I had a job that I felt was very stressful. It was not something I could get out of immediately. So I asked the question, "How can I enjoy myself today?" I found a way to make something enjoyable at work and that was the first step to my revitalization. It made a world of difference!
So my question to you is: "Where is your stress coming from and how can you make a change?"
Why not make this year's resolution: a year to reduce the stress! Start by recognizing what is causing you the most stress. Then ask yourself, "How can I change this situation so that it causes less stress in my life?" "What do I need to do differently" or "How does my attitude need to change?".
Once I had a job that I felt was very stressful. It was not something I could get out of immediately. So I asked the question, "How can I enjoy myself today?" I found a way to make something enjoyable at work and that was the first step to my revitalization. It made a world of difference!
So my question to you is: "Where is your stress coming from and how can you make a change?"
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