Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Before reading this post, please be sure and read the post below titled "Vacation".

So, do you feel like you need to simplify your life? Is life crazy, hectic and just plain draining you of energy? Then group coaching is just what you need to get you moving in the right direction. Learn how to identify the things that are cluttering your life and making life more complicated. Gain a clearer vision for yourself and start moving towards that vision, so that you can start enjoying life more. Learn how to take charge of your life instead of your life taking charge of you.

The next Group Coaching sessions will begin on Tuesdays nights at 7pm starting the first week of June. The class size is limited, so make sure you make your reservation ASAP. The cost is only $20 per month (for three months) plus your cost for a long distance call. For more information about the details of each session go to http://www.avenuesofgrace.com/GroupCoaching.asp?Tab=GroupCoaching. or to sign up contact me at http://www.avenuesofgrace.com/ConnectWithMarna.asp?Tab=Contact%20Marna. I hope to see you there.


I recently took a vacation to Florida, and while I was there all I could think of was how much I was enjoying myself. I was so relaxed and had plenty of time for my family. There was no laundry, no cleaning, no meals to make. Life was simple. All of that enjoyment got me thinking...How can I make my life at home more like a vacation? O.k., You're probably laughing at the thought, thinking that it is absolutely impossible! But what is the difference between being at home and being on vacation? ....Simplicity. So, I've been looking at the things that keep my life from being simple, and asking how can I change them? I've made some changes and things are better for me. Then I was also looking at some of the upcoming decisions I have to make, and when I look at them in terms of "simplicity", it's helping me to make better decisions.
Then, last night I was blessed to be able to see Ivan Dragicevic speak. He is a visionary from Medjugorje. His message, which is Our Lady's message is to pray and make time for those you love. The only way for me to make time is to simplify. I'm seeing a recurring theme in what God is revealing to me. I guess it's time to listen.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Bringing Heaven to Earth

Our Father, who art in heaven... ...Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Have you ever really thought about that last phrase? What are we saying? We are asking God to bring heaven to earth; to transform our circumstances as they could be transformed in heaven. So often we think, "Oh, things will never change until we get to heaven." In one sense that is true because everything will be glorified there. We'll have new bodies, new understandings and healed relationships because of our new understandings. However, I believe this prayer given to us by Jesus is reminding us that God's healing and understanding is fully available to us now. By saying, "on earth as it is in heaven" we are calling down the power of heaven into our lives. We are embracing now, what we believe God will fully reveal to us after we die.
Imagine what our lives would be like if we had that kind of faith. "Lord, make our earth as heaven. Make our cities as heaven. Make our neighborhoods as heaven. Make our homes as heaven. "
God didn't say how long it would take to transform all these things. But he did ask us to pray this way. I think that says alot.