Friday, January 25, 2008

Moving Forward

What is keeping you from moving forward? Have you set a goal for yourself and you aren't reaching it? Are you looking off to the horizon knowing for months you want to go there, but yet you remain where you are? Are you just plain stuck in the same old patterns you are trying to break?
Many times people want to blame all the circumstances or people around them for not moving forward, but in reality the obstacle can actually be ourselves. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's lack of a certain skill, or sometimes we haven't taken the time to look at the circumstances or people around us to figure out a way to change the situation (so still, it is ourselves).
What about your life? What are you trying to change? What is keeping you from moving forward? What do you need to do to remove the obstacles in your life? Humbly look at yourself and look to to God, and I'm sure you will find the answer.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Fear Of The Unknown

Do you have a situation in your life where you don't know what is going to happen? You know that God is in control, but you don't know what the outcome is going to be? Sometimes you can be so trusting of God and his plan, regardless of the outcome, but other times you feel the fear of the unknown creeping in.
This must have happened to the apostles after Jesus ascended into heaven. On one hand, they were trusting that God was going to send a "helper" (the holy spirit), but on the other hand, they didn't know what it was going to be. On one hand, Jesus had risen from the dead, what he said had to be true, but on the other hand, he was no longer with them. The conflict of trust vs. fear must have been incredible.
So, when I get this way, I look to them as an example. I first ask them for intercession, to pray for my fear and the outcome. Then, I look to the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with trust and patience. It was through the Holy Spirit that they were truly transformed and were able to move forward. The Holy Spirit is still alive and active today, and he can be in your life too, if you invite him.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Many people start New Year's Resolutions on January 1st and unfortunately give up by January 31st. When asked why they are no longer pursuing the resolution, the number one answer seems to be "stress". Life is too busy or too complicated and people loose their focus. People have good intentions; it's just life takes over.
Why not make this year's resolution: a year to reduce the stress! Start by recognizing what is causing you the most stress. Then ask yourself, "How can I change this situation so that it causes less stress in my life?" "What do I need to do differently" or "How does my attitude need to change?".
Once I had a job that I felt was very stressful. It was not something I could get out of immediately. So I asked the question, "How can I enjoy myself today?" I found a way to make something enjoyable at work and that was the first step to my revitalization. It made a world of difference!
So my question to you is: "Where is your stress coming from and how can you make a change?"