Monday, July 7, 2008


I've often had people ask me, "How do you make time for yourself?" Life can be so hectic and with so many things to do how do you do it? How do you make time to sit on the couch and watch a TV show or just read for a few minutes?
Sometimes the answer is in becoming more organized and better with time management, but mostly the answer lies in making a choice to just do it. It means you set some boundaries with those around you. You say "no" to some things so that you can say "yes" to yourself.
Many feel guilty if they were to sit and do something for themselves even if it's just for a few minutes, but in reality by spending a few minutes for yourself you are actually helping those around you. Because a few minutes to yourself can be just enough to help you regain your perspective. A few minutes could be enough to give you some needed rest so that you can be at your best. A few minutes could be all you need to change your mood.
O.k. Now you've made the decision to do a little for do you really do it. You practice it. You just try it. Admist all the things you need to do, you stop for 10 - 15 minutes, set the timer and sit. Let everyone know that this is your time to relax and they can interrupt you when the timer goes off. It's amazing, during that time, no one in your house will starve, more and likely no one will experience any life changing event (however, make sure all the little ones are in a safe place prior to doing this). Chances are that you will not be any further behind than you were before you started. Practice this daily and you will be surprised how this will begin to feel normal and o.k. Practice!