Saturday, May 24, 2008


We frequently hear how humility is needed to progress in holiness, and I have really been thinking alot about humility this week. What does it mean to be humble? It's obvious that Jesus was humble and what did he do? He taught us to love and to serve. So what does it mean to serve?
When I think of a servant, I immediately think of a Butler. You know, the kind we see in a movie. What he does is crucial for the master, but he's not really a major player. He's in the background taking care of his duties, quietly. When acknowledged for his service he merely says, "Thank you". He doesn't parade around saying, "look what I did" or even try to get noticed by anyone while doing his work. He is merely there to serve his master, and he knows his purpose is to make sure the master's work can be done. He is only there to truly serve.
How often do we go about our days looking for recognition? How often do we keep score with those around us? It's tough to be humble, but the more we ask God for humility, the more opportunities he gives us to practice. "Ask and you shall recieve". God bless.