Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Stepping Stones

Do you ever look at what you have or are doing in life, and compare it to what someone else has or is doing in his or her life and think, "I wish I had that" or "I wish I was doing that"? If so, why? God's plan is perfect for each of us, regardless of our circumstances, and we must look at what we have and what we are doing as stepping stones towards where God is leading us. His plan will never be fully revealed to us unless we willingly step onto each stone and stay there a while. When God feels we are ready, he will put the next stepping stone ahead of us and it will then be time to move.
But we get impatient...we want to jump from the first stone to the last stone. Realistically, if we did that, we would fall into the creek and perhaps be carried away by the waters. We need to take God's step, one at a time! We need to be comfortable there, take a look around and see what God is offering to us in that moment. We need to praise God for where he has us and where he is leading us.
Be patient!


Alyssa Jean said...

Hey Aunt Marna,
Thank you for putting this post up. It was really nice being able to read that. I'm kind of at that sort of point in my life right now where I'm just waiting for God to show me where to step next and it's hard sometimes waiting... I just try to always remember that he has a perfect plan for my life and all I need to do is trust in his timing. :)

I can't wait to see you this summer! Hopefully we can have some time to talk when I come out. :)
Love you!

Alyssa Jean

Marna Revlock said...

Hey alyssa,
Your dad would be a good person to talk to about this. I remember years ago I was having this very discussion with him. I remember telling him that I could partly see what God wanted me to do because I was very aware of the gifts he had given me, but I didn't know how. At that time, I felt very out of place with my gifts. He reminded me that God was currently using me to sharpen those gifts and to learn as much as possible so that I would be fully ready when the time was right. He was right! :)
Love ya,
Aunt Marna

Alyssa Jean said...

yeah, I've talked with both of my parents about it. :) thanks though for chatting with me on here. :) I'm going to be putting a new post on my blog soon so you should check it out! Ttyl!
me :)