Sunday, November 9, 2008

Catholic Mother's Conference - last chance to attend

Are you still debating about whether or not to attend the Catholic Mother's Conference? Well, I could go on and on with all the reasons that I think you should attend, but I think it would just be best to show how I have seen God working to create this conference.

I believe that God placed a strong desire in my heart quite a few years ago to do this conference. I sat on this feeling for a long time praying and asking God when. Eventually the feeling was so strong that I could no longer stand it, so I thought it was time to move forward. I didn't know where to start, so I began by asking the diocese permission to do a conference like this on my own. As I shared the idea with the diocese, their hearts were open and they offered to provide some financial support, which was amazing to me #1 because they said, "yes" and #2 because I didn't know how I would cover the cost of such an event.
Next I went to my friends and said, "You know that idea I've been sharing with you, well I'm going to do it, do you want to help?" They said yes! So I was part way there. The entire time I kept asking God to provide what we needed.

After that, God's blessings just kept coming. I had women I didn't even know contacting me asking to help. And each woman called filled the void that we were missing to pull everything together. Each woman offered their service to me at no cost which was a blessing because I started with no money for this conference. Once I even found, by chance, a blog that was advertising this conference. I didn't even know who the woman was, but she signed her blog Mary and that was good enough for me.

I also had people who offered financial assistance, without me asking, to pay for advertising. Which would have been a huge cost. Once again these were people I did not know and again, God provided. Amazing!

I did not know what I was doing when I started this whole process, but God guided me every step of the way from the help I needed prior to the conference, and the things needed during the day to all the financial concerns, and I now have 100 women attending which should cover any remaining costs.
Although I think this day is going to be awesome, it is evident that God's hand has been in it every step of the way. Which means that he has big plans for this day. So why not come and see what he has planned for you? It's a day away you won't regret.


Alyssa Jean said...

The best reason to go to this conference is that there's going to be this really great movie that someone made of moms. ;) lol! I hope you enjoy your conference Aunt Marna. You should call me sometime and let me know how it went. :)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this awesome opportunity for women. It's going to be great!

Anonymous said...

My prayers have always been upon you in all your endeavors, Marna. Although I have been busy in my family regiments, corporation operations, loving 4 children and 13 grandchildren; I trust in God, that He will "DRAW ALL WOMEN" to His conference.
Sending my prayers, love & hugs. M

Anonymous said...

Thank you Marna, Lori and Staff!

It was an exciting, inspiring and one of the most happiest conferences of spirituality I ever attended.

God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! We did our best to meet the needs of this generation and thankfully the Holy Spirit was with us. I will be adding a new post to describe the conference and will be requesting people's input about the day. I just need to add all the new people to my mailing list first. We appreciate your comment in advance. :) Marna