Sunday, December 7, 2008


"Peace to all" , "Peace on Earth", "Peace, love and joy", "Peace to you". These are all just common phrases we hear at Christmas time, but what really brings you peace? I used to think that if I could get my life completely organized then I could have peace. I used to think that if I could get my kids to behave "just perfectly" I would have peace. I used to think that if I could get everything "just right" with my spouse then I would have peace. I was wrong.

I was wrong because I was searching outside of myself to find peace. I was wrong because I was searching outside of Christ to find peace.

If you are thinking that all you need to do is fix this "one little thing" in your life and then you will have peace. You may be wrong. Perhaps you need to look at that again. Ask yourself, why do you think that will truly give you peace? If you couldn't fix that "one little thing", how else would you find it?

Peace and a Blessed Advent.

1 comment:

Alyssa Jean said...

You need a new update Aunt Marna. ;)
Have you checked my blog anytime lately?

Love you! Give the kids hugs and kisses for me. :)

Alyssa Jean