Monday, May 25, 2009

An Idea In Mind

Have you ever come up with an idea and thought, "Somebody should do that" or "Wouldn't it be great if somebody would..." ? Have you ever thought that maybe God inspired that idea because he wants you to do it? Maybe, maybe not, but how would you know?

It's called discernment. Take the idea to prayer, not just once, but several times. Do you see God developing a passion in you about that idea? Are more ideas generated about it each time you take it to prayer? If so, pray about it some more. Ask God to open or close some doors for you about it. If you see doors opening and a passion developing, start taking some action towards the vision you have developed. Then, with regards to your action, see if doors continue to open or slam shut.

Too many times when people are searching for an answer from God, they want the answer too quickly or they want a sign before they start. I think God doesn't give us those things because he wants to develop our faith in the process as we are waiting. This way, we learn to listen, and as we take action, we grow in faith. You see, it's about the journey towards the idea as much as the idea itself. It's not just about helping others with your idea, but it's about your growth in the process and God knows that. So, he takes his time.

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